Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Candid Shots

Innocent girl with mountain man
(Bonnie and Bill)

"You know, you're right, it's still moving."

"If I just keep smiling, they'll never notice."

"He's with me, and don't worry about where I got my ribbon."
(Mona Lou)

"Hey, you still following me!?"

"I think it was the hotdog, or maybe the fish soup..."
(Karen K.)

"Is that what I think it is?"

Catholic school survivor razzing former priest (with recent Miss Buffalo).

 "If I can just hold on long enough..."

"Too late, they noticed."

Queen for a day!

Chow time!


"Listen, Bill, about that gumbo..."

Time to... PAR-TaY!

Okay, young lady, what's in the cup!



Above photos by Jim Molloy - August 11, 2012
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