Friday, September 21, 2012

Scott Laiacona Returns!

September, 2012

Here's Scott Laiacona by the Red Dock, remembering the greatest time of his (ours!) young life. He suspects the kids of today might not appreciate such an experience, not with their iPhones and heaven knows what else. But maybe they would, especially after a few hours around the lake. Which even back then was better than TELEVISION (the "iPhone" of our era)! Meanwhile, great picture of Scott... back where he belongs!

(click images to enlarge) 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Eat, Drink, & be Merry!

 Dinny, son, and daughter-in-law

Like old times - Janet & Patty

 "Can you believe what he's wearing!"

In case you didn't know, Janet (Gill) is the "White Rock" girl in our now iconic Ballard
Lake photo - where she's sitting on a rock wrapped in a towel. In fact, I've had complete strangers come up to me and ask: "Listen, who's the beautiful girl on the rock?" Well, now you know.

 Ray T.

Richie V.

Jim M.

Lori A.

Ginny & Janet

"We're going for a walk!"

Above photos by Bill Molloy - August 11, 2012
(Click images to enlarge)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Candid Shots

Innocent girl with mountain man
(Bonnie and Bill)

"You know, you're right, it's still moving."

"If I just keep smiling, they'll never notice."

"He's with me, and don't worry about where I got my ribbon."
(Mona Lou)

"Hey, you still following me!?"

"I think it was the hotdog, or maybe the fish soup..."
(Karen K.)

"Is that what I think it is?"

Catholic school survivor razzing former priest (with recent Miss Buffalo).

 "If I can just hold on long enough..."

"Too late, they noticed."

Queen for a day!

Chow time!


"Listen, Bill, about that gumbo..."

Time to... PAR-TaY!

Okay, young lady, what's in the cup!



Above photos by Jim Molloy - August 11, 2012
Click any image to enlarge. Then, if you like, use your mouse or keyboard arrow keys ("<" - ">") to
create a manual slideshow.

At The Lake...

Photo by Dinny, Jr. - Aug 11, 2012 
Back Row, left to right: Dinny, Richard, Bill,
Mickey, Raymond
Front Row: Mona Lou, Patty, Bonnie, Jeanie, Anne

 On the camp road, by the Keane's! 

Mickey standing in front of Molloy's, w/Jim Molloy Sr.'s hemlock tree in the background. Hard to believe, Jim Sr. (Dad) planted that tree 60 years ago.

Dinny (foreground) & Crew at the Red Dock!


(mushrooms, growing in "The Field")

 Pearl Island, at rest

Above photos by Bill Molloy - August 11, 2012